First Aid at Work

Course introduction

This 18 Hour First Aid At Work course covers a wide range of First Aid emergencies, enabling you to deal with an emergency situation in a prompt, safe and effective way.  This course will give the participants a qualification to the highest level of First Aid, meeting the statutory requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

Who Should Attend This Course?

This course is is suitable for anyone aged 16+ and is for organisations whose First Aid needs risk assessment has identified a requirement for additional first aid training, such as having employees with a disability or a medical condition.The First Aid At Work course is designed for people who want to receive our most thorough first aid training and is most suited to those working in high-risk environments.

The First Aid at Work certificate is valid for 3 years from the date of the training and can be renewed by attending our First Aid at Work Requalification course.

The FAIB and the HSE strongly recommends that first aiders undergo a First Aid Annual Refresher Course to maintain the skills, keep up to date with any changes to first aid legislation and procedures.

Course Learning Outcomes

  • First Aid Legislation
  • The Role of the first Aider
  • Assessing an incident; Managing a casualty; Priorities of Treatment
  • Provide first aid to an unresponsive and breathing normally casualty
  • Manage a casualty who is unresponsive and NOT breathing normally
  • Demonstrate how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
  • Recognise and assist a casualty who is choking
  • Manage a casualty with external bleeding
  • Manage a casualty who is in shock
  • Identify the signs, symptoms and history of a casualty
  • Provide first aid to a casualty with suspected injuries to the:                                   Head, Eyes, Chest, Spine, Bones, Muscles and joints
  • Provide first aid to a casualty with suspected: Burns and Scalds, Sudden Poisoning, Anaphylaxis
  • Provide first aid to a casualty with a suspected major Illness such as:                    Heart attack, Angina, Stroke, Asthma and Diabetes